Tag Archives: alexis tsipras

Financial Warfare and the Destruction of Greece as a Nation

Syria is destroyed by military means. Greece is literally destroyed as a nation, as a society and as a state, by its own “partners”, in alliance with international Finance and its representative par excellence, the IMF and with the consent of the USA administration (1) Continue reading Financial Warfare and the Destruction of Greece as a Nation

#Greece, #Grèce :Tsipras to demand EU live up to pledges and don’t leave Greece to become a black box for refugees//Crise migratoire: Tsipras appelle l’Europe à agir

Is it time for Greece to close completely its borders? Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras vowed on Wednesday to shift the pressure that the European Union has put on Greece over the refugee crisis back onto the country’s EU partners at the leaders’ summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday.

Continue reading #Greece, #Grèce :Tsipras to demand EU live up to pledges and don’t leave Greece to become a black box for refugees//Crise migratoire: Tsipras appelle l’Europe à agir