Tag Archives: Geopolitics

Hezbollah, Iran ,Israel and the Gulf States Geopolitical Puzzle

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is following Washington, Paris and Tel Aviv by declaring that a political and military force that resists Israeli aggression in Southern Lebanon known as ‘Hezbollah’ a terrorist organization. The U.S., France, Israel, the Netherlands, Australia and Canada declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The European Union, the United Kingdom and New Zealand declared that only Hezbollah’s military division, is a terrorist organization. Continue reading Hezbollah, Iran ,Israel and the Gulf States Geopolitical Puzzle

End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III”

The continuation of NATO, after its counterpart the Warsaw Pact ended in 1991, is an insanity that’s driving the world inexorably toward World War III. Continue reading End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III”