Tag Archives: human rights

It is high time for the international community to discuss seriously about the new Israeli extremism taking place under the Netanyahu’s era

On Friday, May 20,the Israeli  Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon,resigned from his post . On the way to the door, Yaalon blasted #Netanyahu, saying he has lost confidence in the prime minister’s decision-making and morals.

Who will  succeed him? Avigdor #Lieberman, a West Bank settler.  He is a former foreign minister and current leader of an ultra­nationalist political party built around the 1 million Russian-speaking immigrants to #Israel.Even  the right-wing Jewish Home party approvingly described the new coalition as Israel’s “most right-wing government ever.” last week.

Israel has been “infected by the seeds of fascism,” said former Prime Minister Ehud Barak.”What has happened is a hostile takeover of the Israeli government by dangerous elements,” Ehud Barak, Israel’s most decorated soldier and a former defense minister following his spell as head of government, told Channel 10 TV.

Lieberman has pressed for Arab citizens of Israel to move to the West Bank and wants to implement the death penalty for terrorists. He also wants to increase pension payments for the Russian newcomers.

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Opinion :La nouvelle géopolitique de l’Arabie Saoudite Au Maroc et en Afrique du Nord

Le récent ralliement renforcé entre le Maroc et l’Arabie Saoudite  pose beaucoup de questions sur la stratégie régionale de l’Arabie Saoudite dans la region de Moyen Orient -Afrique du Nord. Ce n’est pas surprenant d’apprendre que tout simplement, en 2016, la monarchie d’Arabie Saoudite aurait versé des millions de dollars à Al-Qaïda dans les années 1990 mais surtout ce serait mettre une lumière sur cette monarchie à la mentalité politique moyenâgeuse qui pense qu’avec l’argent on peut acheter tout le monde pendant qu’elle y impose sa politique sous couvert de bonhommie à l’étranger.
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