Tag Archives: oil libya

Foreign Policy Diary – Libya’s Instability Threatens Regional Security

Though Syria and Iraq are the main theaters of global standoff and terrorist activity in recent years, there is another country that also draws the attention of the world powers: #Libya. Since the fall of Muammar Gadhafi in 2011, the war-torn country has been in a constant crisis fueled by the West’s inability to implement any kind of a peace settlement involving a wide range of competing entities operating in the country.
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Why is the United Arab Emirates secretly bombing Libya? What is the current situation in Libya ?

Sources: theguardian.comndtv.com, middleeasteye.netel-balad.com, reuters.com

The United Arab Emirates, a small wealthy Gulf state, has been secretly bombing targets in Libya, from bases in Egypt without the knowledge of the US ad Guardian.com revealed. Unidentified fighter jets bombarded several sites in western Libya belonging to Brotherhood allied militias, according to eyewitnesses and a source affiliated with the “Dawn of Libya” militant group last month. The bombardments did not result in any casualties or material damage, according to witnesses.

Libya_oil_locations                                          Source: globalresources.com

Libya has one of the best Oil qualities if not the best in the world. Repsol has made a high quality light oil find (40º API) in Libya’s Murzuq basin in 2013. The find was made in block NC115 in the Sahara desert, 800 kilometres south of Tripoli.

The discovering well, called A1-129/02 was drilled to a total depth of 1,836 metres and has produced good oil flows during initial testing. The well flowed 528 barrels of oil per day with a choke size of 32/64 inches and a perforated interval of 4,502-4,522 feet in the Mamuniyat formation. It is the third of eight wells that the company will drill in this block, which covers 4,400 square kilometres and which has shown excellent reservoir properties.

In August and September, unidentified warplanes bombarded several sites in western Libya associated with the Dawn of Libya.At the time, militant leaders had accused both Egypt and the United Arab Emirates of launching the airstrikes, although both countries later denied any involvement in the attacks.

It is believed that  the Islamic State group, which overran large areas of Iraq and Syria, has set up training camps in eastern Libya and the American military is closely monitoring, as it was reported beginning December in US.

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