Tag Archives: Turquie

Turkey: Border Guards Kill and Injure Asylum Seekers//Des gardes-frontières turcs abattent des réfugiés syriens fuyant la guerre, selon Human Rights Watch

Original Source: Human Rights Watch/  Turkey: Border Guards Kill and Injure Asylum Seekers © 2016 by Human Rights Watch.

Citing witnesses, HRW mentioned six incidents of abuse which reportedly took place near the Khurbat al Juz-Güveççi border crossing, around 50km (30 miles) south of the Turkish city of Antakya. HRW has published a video of witness accounts online.

For HRW Turkish border guards are shooting and beating Syrian asylum seekers trying to reach Turkey, resulting in deaths and serious injuries, Human Rights Watch said today. The Turkish authorities should stop pushing Syrian asylum seekers back at the border and should investigate all use of excessive force by border guards.


Français:Des gardes-frontières turcs ont abattu plusieurs réfugiés syriens fuyant la guerre pendant les mois de mars et avril 2016, affirme Human Rights Watch. Au total d’après l’ONG, cinq personnes ont été tuées, huit blessées par balles – dont trois enfants – et six autres personnes ont été "sérieusement agressées" par les forces de sécurité turques. Des allégations qui contrastent fortement avec le discours officiel de bienvenue des autorités turques.

Continue reading Turkey: Border Guards Kill and Injure Asylum Seekers//Des gardes-frontières turcs abattent des réfugiés syriens fuyant la guerre, selon Human Rights Watch

The limits of the humanitarian crisis in Greece: Refugee/ Immigrant threatens to throw his baby into the sea //Limites et excès de la crise humanitaire en Grèce un migrant menace de jeter son bébé sur les policiers

For Oxfam, the return of people from Greece to Turkey takes Europe yet another step closer to a policy of deterrence and indifference. Instead of coming together to resolve the crisis, European countries have built fences and shifted a humanitarian crisis away from its door. People who have been forced to flee conflict, disaster and poverty are being treated in ways contrary to the spirit of international law and the moral authority Europe once had. Continue reading The limits of the humanitarian crisis in Greece: Refugee/ Immigrant threatens to throw his baby into the sea //Limites et excès de la crise humanitaire en Grèce un migrant menace de jeter son bébé sur les policiers